Categories: Estero

What sanctions are being imposed on Russia over Ukraine? – BBC News

The US, UK and some of their allies have imposed sanctions on Russia, after it recognised two separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine as independent and ordered troops there.

The US has banned Americans from doing business in the rebel-held areas of Luhansk and Donetsk.

The UK announced sanctions against five Russian banks (Rossiya, IS Bank, General Bank, Promsvyazbank and the Black Sea Bank) and three wealthy Russian businessmen (Gennady Timchenko, Boris Rotenberg, and Igor Rotenberg).

German chancellor Olaf Scholz said he would put on hold permission for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to open.

Uefa is almost certain to move this season’s Champions League final away from St Petersburg amid the Ukraine-Russia crisis.

A sanction is an action taken by one country against another, often in order to stop it acting aggressively or breaking international law.

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