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What does the devastation in Turkey mean for Erdogan’s future? – BBC Newsnight

What does the devastation in Turkey mean for Erdogan’s future? – BBC Newsnight
14 febbraio 2023

What does the devastation in Turkey mean for Erdogan's future? - BBC Newsnight

Thousands of teams are working across Turkey following the earthquakes, the focus shifting largely to recovery rather than rescue.

It’s a far cry from the picture in Northwest Syria, where there is still minimal activity, and where there are most likely many more dead and little help for the homeless, the hungry, and the wounded.

In Turkey, president Erdogan, who has ruled for 20 years, is under pressure three months from an election for his reaction to the disaster. He has already admitted that his government’s response was wanting but appeared to put it down to fate, saying such things have always happened.

When asked if President Erdogan was heading for defeat, opposition MP Suzan Sahin of the Republican People’s Party said “absolutely… democracy has been curtailed here”.

Newsnight’s Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban reports from Istanbul on Erdogan’s chances of reelection.

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