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Renters evicted as landlords act before law changes – BBC Newsnight

Renters evicted as landlords act before law changes – BBC Newsnight
26 luglio 2023

Renters evicted as landlords act before law changes - BBC Newsnight

UK government figures released today show the number of households in temporary accommodation in England was over 105,000 at the end of March – the highest figure since records began in 1998.

The housing charity Shelter says that record numbers of people in private rented accommodation are becoming homeless in England.

That’s partly as a result of a clause in the Housing Act – Section 21 – which gives landlords in England the power to evict a tenant with two months notice without having to give a reason.

The Government wants to end this and has committed to change the law, but the Bill didn’t make it through Parliament before the summer recess.

Newsbeat’s Sam Gruet has been looking into this for Newsnight.

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