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Premier League clubs avoided £250m in tax, experts estimate – BBC Newsnight

Premier League clubs avoided £250m in tax, experts estimate – BBC Newsnight
31 marzo 2023

Premier League clubs avoided £250m in tax, experts estimate - BBC Newsnight

Are Premier League clubs avoiding millions of pounds of tax on agents’ fees which ought to be paid?

That’s what new research from the think tank Tax Policy Associates, obtained exclusively by Newsnight, suggests. Between 2019 and 2021 the suggestion is that top clubs avoided up to a quarter of a billion pounds in various forms of tax through a practice called ‘dual representation’ – that’s where an agent represents and is paid for by both the player and a club.

Newsnight can reveal that HMRC is investigating “a number of clubs” in the top two leagues of English football over their use of the tax practice – which is widespread within the industry, and remains legal.

Newsnight’s Economics Editor Ben Chu investigates.

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