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Male contraceptive pill a real possibility, say scientists – BBC News

Male contraceptive pill a real possibility, say scientists – BBC News
15 febbraio 2023

Male contraceptive pill a real possibility, say scientists - BBC News

A non-hormonal male contraceptive pill may be a real possibility, say scientists who have found a switch that stops sperm from being able to swim.

In an early study in mice, the pill caused the sperm to stay stunned for about three hours.

Researchers think users could take the contraceptive pill an hour before sex, and keep an eye on the time for when it wears off.

Many more tests are planned and needed, moving to rabbits before people.

“The fact that it is able to act, and be reversed, so quickly is really quite exciting,” Prof Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, said.

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