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How ‘buy nothing’ social media groups help off set code of living crisis – BBC News

How ‘buy nothing’ social media groups help off set code of living crisis – BBC News
9 febbraio 2022

How ‘buy nothing’ social media groups help off set code of living crisis - BBC News

When Sevan Tavoukdjian moved into his own apartment in New York City last month and when he saw how much it would cost to furnish it, he was shocked at the prices being charged.

So, he scrapped plans to buy furniture and instead sent a message to his neighbourhood “Buy Nothing” Facebook group, where people offer unwanted items for free.

The average American family had to spend roughly $3,500 (£2,600) more last year than in 2020 but salaries have not kept up with the increases, pushing people to forego purchases, substitute cheaper alternatives, or – like Sevan – hunt for something free.

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