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How artificial intelligence is helping scientists talk to animals – BBC News

How artificial intelligence is helping scientists talk to animals – BBC News
11 luglio 2023

How artificial intelligence is helping scientists talk to animals - BBC News

Scientists are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to decode animal languages.

Scientists in Israel are closer than ever to making two-way communication with another species more likely – by using AI to understand the language of bats.

“I’ve always dreamt of a Dolittle machine that will allow me to talk with animals”, said Professor Yossi Yovel of Tel Aviv University.

The team at Tel Aviv University created a large database of bat noises and videos, teaching AI how to differentiate between the different sounds. The Algorithm then matched the sounds with specific social interactions captured on film.

Adi Rachum from Tel Aviv University said, “in the end the computer will be able to speak the language, to understand what they say to each other”.

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