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DUP leader Edwin Poots resigns – BBC Newsnight

DUP leader Edwin Poots resigns – BBC Newsnight
18 giugno 2021

DUP leader Edwin Poots resigns - BBC Newsnight

DUP leader Edwin Poots resigns – what happened and how does this affect Northern Ireland? Please subscribe HERE

Edwin Poots has resigned as leader of DUP after just 21 days in the job.

It came after he agreed a deal with Sinn Fein and the Westminster government to ensure Paul Givan became Northern Ireland’s first minister.

A majority of DUP members in the assembly wanted to delay the process and he faced an internal revolt at a party meeting.

What happened and what impact could this have on power sharing and Northern Ireland?

Newsnight’s Political Editor reports. Emma Barnett is joined by former adviser to Arlene Foster, Lee Reynolds, and political commentator Sarah Creighton.

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Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.


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