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Kim Jong Un wants Donald Trump back, elite defector tells BBC | BBC News

Kim Jong Un wants Donald Trump back, elite defector tells BBC | BBC News
2 agosto 2024

Kim Jong Un wants Donald Trump back, elite defector tells BBC | BBC News

Donald Trump returning to the White House would be “a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity” for North Korea, according to Ri Il Kyu – one of the highest-ranking defectors.

Mr Ri escaped North Korea in 2016 and has since been face to face with Kim Jong Un on seven separate occasions.

He says that North Korea still views Mr Trump as someone it can negotiate with over its nuclear weapons programme, despite talks between him and Kim Jong Un breaking down in 2019.

In his first interview with an international broadcaster, Mr Ri provides a rare understanding of what one of the world’s most secretive and repressive states is hoping to achieve.

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