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Roe v Wade reversal: How abortion restrictions are impacting the US one year on – BBC Newsnight

Roe v Wade reversal: How abortion restrictions are impacting the US one year on – BBC Newsnight
20 giugno 2023

Roe v Wade reversal: How abortion restrictions are impacting the US one year on - BBC Newsnight

It’s a year since millions in the US were blocked from accessing an abortion, and the debate is as divisive as ever.

The reversing of the Roe v Wade ruling last summer was a controversial moment – both for those who believe termination ends an innocent life, and for those who feel any restrictions breaches a woman’s right to control her own body.

In a joint investigation for BBC Newsnight and Our World, Anna Collinson has travelled across two neighbouring – but very different – US states to see how restrictions on abortion are impacting America.

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